NSEV Healing & Acupuncture Clinic
Located in Miami Beach, the Clinic provides Acupuncture, Chiropractic, Massage, Meditation, Lymphatic Drainage, and Herbal Medicine to patients seeking quality, holistic treatment in the Miami area.
Dr. Shiva Schiff is the first certified NSEV Chiropractor. He integrates his expertise of the Extraordinary Vessels of Chinese Medicine with chiropractic restorative methods to help his patients achieve maximum results in their healing process.
NSEV™ Healing & Acupuncture is a philosophy of health, and a method of treating and preventing disease, that integrates the mind, body and spirit. It is a modern adaptation of an ancient Chinese medicine and acupuncture healing system that addresses a person’s core patterns of functioning, in addition to their presenting symptoms, to treat illness, alleviate pain, and achieve optimum wellness.
The ultimate goal of NSEV Healing is to create a healthy equilibrium among these internal functioning patterns, as well as overall harmony in the way a person interacts with the world around them. As this balance is achieved, the symptoms of pain and discomfort are alleviated, and the person becomes symptom-free and content.